Key to Success for Students, 10 Memory-Boosting Tips for Studying Success”

The Key to success for students, says that students should always keep their goals in mind. By following these things one gets success in life. If students feel lazy or sleepy while studying, or do not remember what they read, they must follow these rules in their life to increase their memory and intelligence.

Key to success for students

The key to success says that the student should be conscious about his future. Student life is considered the most precious. The future is created in this state. Students who set their goals and work hard definitely achieve success.

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Key to success for students:

If students feel lazy or sleepy while studying, or do not remember what they read, they must follow these rules in their life to increase their memory and intelligence.

Key to Success for Students
  • 1. If children feel lazy or sleepy while studying, then put Green curtains in their room. This will help eliminate laziness and drowsiness.
  • 2. While going for examination, feed children curd mixed with sugar and apply saffron (kesar)  tilak on their forehead. This will ensure good marks and keep them happy and healthy during the exam.
  • 3. Children, don’t stay awake too late at night. Sleep on time and wake up early during Brahma Muhurta (morning before sunrise).
  • 4. When you wake up, first stretch your body properly, then take some rest. If you do stretching and then rest, it will increase your mental and intellectual strength. After this, sit quietly for 1-2 minutes. Think, “I am God’s, God is mine. Oh God! I am yours, and you are mine.” Chant “Hari Om, Hari Om, Hari Om” out loud, and your blood will be purified, your 72,000 energy channels will be cleared, and the atmosphere of your home will become sacred.
  • 5. Avoid drinking tea or coffee and avoid giving it to anyone. Never skip meals, even on an empty stomach.
  • 6. Chew 5-7 basil (tulsi) leaves on an empty stomach, then drink some water. This will increase your memory. Avoid consuming basil leaves on Sunday.
Key to success for students
  • 7. After taking bath, practice Bhramari Pranayama (breathing exercise while humming) and chant Saraswati Mantra, Guru Mantra or God’s name.
  • 8. Do Surya Namaskar and offer Arghya to the Sun. This will keep your body healthy and your intelligence will also improve a lot.
  • 9. For students who have difficulty remembering what they read, if you keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth while studying, you will find it easier to remember.
  • 10. Mix 10 ml of Tulsi juice (or Tulsi extract) in pomegranate juice or lukewarm water and consume it for 40 days while chanting Saraswati Mantra. This will greatly enhance your memory and cognitive abilities. These are valuable keys to success for students. Follow these tips, and you’ll find yourself on your way to achieving your goals and excelling in your studies

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Disclaimer: This article is only for information about the ancient use . It cannot in any way serve as a replacement for any medication or form of therapy. Always consult your doctor or health specialist for more details.

What are the key to success?

Success factors Passion.
Vision and planning.
Determination and morality.

How do you become a class topper?

A ‘topper’ is someone who has demonstrated perseverance, effective study techniques, and constant effort. Specify your academic ambitions and goals. Make a study regimen and break down major goals into smaller, more doable chores. Set tasks in order of priority and urgency.

How can I be serious in studies?

Here are some easy study tips to keep you on track:
1. Set your study goals: To kick things off, begin by setting your study goals. It’s the first step to success.
2. Create a study schedule: Once you’ve got your goals in place, the next thing to do is create a weekly study schedule. This will help you stay organized.
3. Learn to say no: Sometimes, you might need to say no to distractions or other commitments to stay focused on your studies.
4. Stay committed to your priorities: Keep your eyes on the prize and stay committed to what’s most important to you. That’s the key to success!

What is the best time to study?

Children, don’t stay awake too late at night. Sleep on time and wake up early during Brahma Muhurta (morning before sunrise).

How do I make a study plan?

Understand how you learn best: Figure out what helps you learn effectively, whether it’s visuals, hands-on activities, or listening.
Check your current commitments: Take a look at your existing commitments and responsibilities to make sure you have time for studying.
Allocate time for each class: Plan how much time you’ll dedicate to each of your classes or subjects.
Create a schedule: Make a study schedule that works for you. It should be practical and doable.
Set achievable goals: Set goals that you can realistically reach. This keeps you motivated.
Make studying a habit: Incorporate study time into your daily routine, so it becomes a regular part of your day.
Plan for breaks: Remember to schedule short breaks during your studylet’s break it down in a friendly way:
Understand how you learn best: Figure out what helps you learn effectively, whether it’s visuals, hands-on activities, or listening.
Check your current commitments: Take a look at your existing commitments and responsibilities to make sure you have time for studying.
Allocate time for each class: Plan how much time you’ll dedicate to each of your classes or subjects.
Create a schedule: Make a study schedule that works for you. It should be practical and doable.
Set achievable goals: Set goals that you can realistically reach. This keeps you motivated.
Make studying a habit: Incorporate study time into your daily routine, so it becomes a regular part of your day.
Plan for breaks: Remember to schedule short breaks during your study sessions to refresh your mind.
Give the Pomodoro Technique a try. It involves studying for a set amount of time (usually 25 minutes) and then taking a short break.

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